Product Market Fit Calculator (Data Prep)

Product-Market Fit (PMF) is a crucial concept for any new business owner who wants to succeed in their industry. It refers to how well your product meets the needs of your target audience. Achieving PMF is essential as it ensures that your product is solving a real problem and that your customers are willing to pay for it. One way to measure PMF is by using a product market fit calculator. In this post, we will guide you on how to prepare a CSV file for our online PMF calculator.

Step 1: Conduct a Survey

The first step is to conduct a survey with your customers. Randomly select around 50 customers who are currently using your product. The survey should contain the following questions:

  1. How would you feel if you could no longer use our product?
    A) Very disappointed
    B) Somewhat disappointed

    C) Not disappointed

  2. What would you use if our product were no longer available?

  3. What is the main benefit you receive from our product?

  4. How can we improve our product for you?

  5. What is your role in your company? Ex. Founder, Executive, Sales, Programmer etc. Make sure to restrict the options to useful but limited categories.

Step 2: Create the CSV file

Once you have conducted the survey and gathered the necessary data, create a 5-column CSV file with these columns:

  1. Sentiment - This column should contain the responses to the first question in the survey. The answers should be "Very disappointed," "Somewhat disappointed," or "Not disappointed."

  2. Alternatives - This column should contain the responses to the second question in the survey. It represents the alternatives your customers would use if they could no longer use your product.

  3. Benefits - This column should contain the responses to the third question in the survey. It represents the main benefit your customers receive from your product.

  4. Improvements - This column should contain the responses to the fourth question in the survey. It represents the improvements your customers suggest making your product better.

  5. Persona - This column should contain the responses to the last question in the survey. It could represent the role of the customer in their company, such as Founder, Sales, Executive, Programmer, etc. Alternatively, it could represent the type of users, such as Student, Business Owner, Freelancer, etc. You should create these categories based on what you think is important for your product.

Step 3: Upload the CSV file

The final step is to upload the CSV file to our online PMF calculator, which you can find at Once you have uploaded the file, our calculator will automatically analyze the data and provide you with insights into your PMF.

Preparing a CSV file for our PMF calculator is a simple process that can help you better understand your PMF. By analyzing the data, you can make necessary improvements to your product and ensure that your customers are satisfied.